A Letter from our President!
My name is Michel Graham, and I am the President of the Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at Texas Christian University! I am so excited that you have been accepted into TCU and have chosen to come here. I know that you will be able to find your home here. The next four years of your life will be filled with so many new experiences that will lead to personal growth, friendship, and memories that you will cherish forever. One of the best decisions that I made here at TCU was joining a Panhellenic sorority. Nearly 3 years ago, I began the process of Panhellenic recruitment, and apart from committing to TCU, joining Alpha Chi has been the best decision of my life. The mission of Alpha Chi is to empower women to reach their potential and become Real. Strong. Women. Our chapter has over 300 Real. Strong. Women, and being surrounded by these incredible women everyday has helped me grow to be the authentic, vulnerable, brave, and courageous women I am today. The women in Alpha Chi aren’t just my best friends, they are my sisters.
The national philanthropy of Alpha Chi Omega is Domestic Violence Awareness, which is a cause that we all hold very close to our hearts. This past spring, our chapters’ annual Real Chic Women Fashion Show raised a record-breaking $150,000 for the Women’s center of Tarrant County. Over the 3+ decades of this event, we have raised over $1,000,000, supporting efforts of domestic violence awareness. This record-breaking total gave us the honor of being named as the #1 Student Led Fundraising Alpha Chi Omega chapter in the nation! Our efforts don’t just stop at raising money. We also spread awareness for Domestic Violence on our campus and volunteer in person at the Women’s Center of Tarrant County. At the Women’s Center, our volunteer efforts span from organizing donations to training to become a Victim Advocate. We currently have 5 Victim Advocates in our chapter who go to hospitals to support survivors during their forensic exam. While domestic violence is far too prevalent, we do our best to spread healthy love wherever we can because love should never hurt!
Alpha Chi Omega is committed to developing well-rounded members, and we are heavily involved on campus and in the Greek community. Our sisters prioritize both academic excellence and extracurricular success. Alpha Chis are involved in over 100 different student organizations and honors societies across TCU’s campus, and we are immensely proud of all of their hard work. From Student Government Association, ROTC, Model UN, Intramural Sports, to Student Nurses Association, no matter where your extracurricular interests lie, there will always be an Alpha Chi Omega by your side. In our chapter, we focus on building a strong community of support and sisterhood. We recognize both personal achievements, through sister shout outs at chapter, and various academic and extracurricular achievements at our annual Symphony Brunch. One of the mottos of Alpha Chi Omega is together let us seek the heights. We can only do so much alone, but together, we can truly do special things.
Words can not describe how grateful and proud I am to be an Alpha Chi Omega. I am thankful to the sisters who help me strive to be my best, who encourage me in academics, and who show me healthy love everyday. The memories that I have made in this chapter with my sisters will be cherished forever.
Thank you for visiting our website! I hope you’ll enjoy learning more about the Real. Strong. Women of Alpha Chi Omega!
Michel Graham
Chapter President 2025