The countdown to elections continues today with recognizing our Vice President of Panhellenic, Katie McCash. Katie says she is "most proud of the way that we have fostered a positive culture within Panhellenic and the effort that our chapter has put forth to make our community a better place!" She is in charge of our chapter's relationship with our Panhellenic community, and is committed to showing off all the things we are proud of here at Alpha Chi.
Katie wants the next VP Panhellenic to know that "while you’re the voice and vote for the whole chapter, you aren’t expected to do it alone! Ask your amazing advisors, committee, and exec board for help when you need it." This position is all about community involvement, so don't be afraid to reach out!
From her term on the executive board, Katie grew in a lot of ways. One of these is her appreciation for the other Panhellenic chapter that we have here at TCU. She also learned a lot about the significance of community and communication!
Thank you, Katie McCash, for serving as our 2022 Vice President of Panhellenic!

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