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Each fall, the women of Alpha Chi Omega participate in Panhellenic Formal Recruitment with the goal of gaining more wonderful sisters. We hope you walk through our doors and feel that our house can be your home away from home. For more information on the Panhellenic organization and the recruitment process, visit TCU's Panhellenic Website. Please don't register for recruitment before you have a final transcript from high school. We hope to see you soon!
Recruitment the Alpha Chi Way
recommendation form
Work Week & Recruitment 2024
Recruitment Team 2025

Audrey Platt

Aven Walz
VP Recruitment
VP Recruitment Information
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Major: Business
Hometown: Corona del Mar, CA
Major: Psychology
“As a member of Alpha Chi Omega, I can confidently say that going AXO is the best decision I have made. The incredible women of Alpha Chi constantly empower me to be the best version of myself. I have met my best friends, have had the most amazing opportunities, and have been encouraged to continuously seek the heights! During the duration of my collegiate experience, Alpha Chi has become the most incredible support system and the best home away from home! The friendships I have made as a member of this chapter have defined my time at TCU, and I look forward to keeping this legacy alive as the Vice President of Recruitment. My role allows me to showcase the stellar women of Iota Lambda and highlight their service endeavors, academic achievements, and the positive change they spark within the TCU community. Recruitment is the entire reason that I fell in love with being an Alpha Chi Omega, and I am thrilled to welcome future members into our red doors! To all potential new members, my advice would be to choose Alpha Chi Omega because Alpha Chi Omega will always choose you!”
"There is nothing like the feeling of belonging and surrounding yourself with like-minded women who want the best for themselves and each other. Alpha Chi Omega exuded this presence when I went through recruitment, and it still feels that way every day for me two years later. Growing up in a big family, I wanted the same feeling my sisters gave me at home while I was away at school. I wasn’t ready to give that feeling up after going to college, and sorority life ensured I didn’t have to. The women in Alpha Chi are genuine, unique women, and I love being surrounded by ladies who cheer each other on through college’s ups and downs. I can’t imagine how different my time at TCU would have looked for me without my sisters because they have truly become my best friends. I am honored to serve such phenomenal women this year as the Vice President of Recruitment Information, and I look forward to growing closer to my fellow sisters in this role. I'm so blessed to have found a home away from home here at Alpha Chi, and I cannot wait to welcome you all through the bright red doors this August!"
a look into last year's bid day

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